Thursday, 23 July 2015

1:4800 Naval Warfare: Battle of the Denmark Straight - Naval Thunder

Hi guys,

Had my first full game of Naval Thunder yesterday. Was a blast!

This is not going to be a full report but here are some bad pics and a brief outline of the action.
HMS Hood and HMS Prince of Wales
Prinz Eugen and Bismarck
Hood taking the first shots of the game as she closes the range
Eugen engages Hood whilst Bismarck shifts her fire to PoW
Meanwhile both British ships pummell Bismarck
Hood and PoW have now closed the range where plunging shouldn't be a problem. Turning their broadsides to the enemy...
...and Hood splatters Prinz Eugen
Hood is suffering from fire from Bismarch and Eugen
But the Germans aren't having it all their own way
First critical hit on Bismarck but she still is dishing out the pain
Hood is suffering but she has not exploded!
An untouched PoW

And that's where we left it. Prinz Eugen was sunk, Bismarck was at around half of her hull points and Hood and Prince of Wales could concentrate all their guns on her without distraction. Hood was a bit battered but still had all of her guns.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

1:4800 Naval Warfare: HMS Hood and HMS Prince of Wales

Here are the other main protagonists in the Battle of the Denmark Straights....I'm quietly cheering on these guys!

Sunday, 12 July 2015

1:4800 Naval Warfare: Bismarck and Prinz Eugen

Hi all,

Been painting the ships for the Battle of the Denmark Straight, so here are the Germans!

Swastikas painted over as per 1941
My German Fleet so far combined
Fairly happy with how they have turned out!


Friday, 6 March 2015

1:4800 Naval Warfare: WW2 Naval Scenario off the coast of Norway - Battlecruisers off Lofoten Islands

Hi guys,

Got a game at the club this afternoon and here are the briefings for the players.

Kreigsmarine Briefing

03:37 9th April 1940, off Lofoten.

A flotilla of ten German destroyers are heading for Narvik to land troops. The battleships Gneisenau (flagship of Fleet Commander Admiral GĂĽnther LĂĽtjens) and Scharnhorst with the heavy cruiser Hipper are providing heavy cover.

On the 6th Hipper was attacked and rammed by a British destroyer. This has caused her to be ordered to pull back to the south whilst you remain to cover the troop carrying destroyers from the expected British attack.
Your orders are to prevent any British Units from heading eastwards to interfere with the invasion whilst simultaneously preventing either of your ships from becoming crippled. Sinking any British units is of secondary importance.
You are steering a north westerly course at 9 knots. Weather conditions are rough, with a force 10 gale from the north west, intermittent snow squalls and heavy seas. Visibility is down to 40 inches.

Royal Navy Briefing
03:37 9th April 1940, off Lofoten

Your fleet was moving to lay a minefield off Vestfiord between the Lofoten Islands and the mainland. Cover was being provided by the battlecruiser Renown flying the flag of Vice-Admiral William J. Whitworth with her escort of destroyers.
After receiving a fleeting message from HMS Glowworm that was dispatched to look for a man lost overboard on the 6th that she was engaging a Pocket Battleship you have called up reinforcements to find and destroy the German ship whilst dispatching your minelaying destroyers south to continue with the original mission.
Your orders are to find and destroy the German ships, sinking more capital ships then you yourself lose. You must not allow the Germans to head too far south as they will receive friendly air cover at dawn, draw them north or west if you cannot sink them.
Your course is south east , speed 12 knots.  Weather conditions are rough, with a force 10 gale from the north west, intermittent snow squalls and heavy seas. Visibility is down to 40 inches.

Should be interesting, Renown and Repulse doing what they were designed to do and hunting German battlecruisers!

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

28mm Late Romans

Hi Guys,

Another random post about another random project sent to distract me, some 28mm Late Romans by Black Tree Miniatures. Bought when I was at uni a looong time ago!

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Friday, 27 February 2015

Something for the weekend?

Hi all,

Well I was challenged by my GF to paint something that she is actually interested in and here is the result!

Lets hope she likes them...

...or is too polite to say otherwise!

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

1:4800 Naval Warfare: HMS Renown

Hi all,

Loooong time no see. Have had problems with both the internet and work! My order arrived from CinC so I've painted up a test model for my "speed painted" 1:4800 fleets.

And an overexposed photo that somehow manages to show off the shiny sea well!

What do ya think?

Monday, 9 February 2015

1:2400 Naval Warfare: Flagships of the fleet!


Just a quick comparison shot of the two battleship squadron flagships. Probably the best looking WW1 capital ships in my opinion!

Many thanks!

Sunday, 8 February 2015

1:2400 Naval Warfare: Radetzky Class Pre-Dreadnoughts

Hi all,

Once again there is progress on the Austrians! This time it is the semi dreadnoughts of the Radetzky Class.

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Amazing Kriegsmarine photo album find!

Hi all,

Found this great photo album for all things KuK Kriegsmarine whilst at work:

And for the WW1 German navy:


Friday, 30 January 2015

1:2400 Naval Warfare: Hussar class destroyers

Hi all,

Work has been quite manic so progress on my prey dreadnoughts has been slower than expected. Instead please enjoy the first of 4 destroyer squadrons for my KuK!

The Huszár class was a class of destroyers built for the Austro-HungarianNavy before the First World War. They were built to a design by the British shipbuilder Yarrow Shipbuilders, who built the first ship, with a further 11 ships being built in Austrian and Hungarian yards between 1905 and 1909.

The base has come out slightly lighter than the originals and I have to confess I don't like it as much. Ah well, plenty more to do!


Wednesday, 28 January 2015

WW2 French and German fleets

Hi all,

Some more naval miniatures for you but this time some ships I painted up for a friend!